7 tips how to be more environmentally friendly at home
7 tips how to be more environmentally friendly at home

Following an environmentally friendly lifestyle is actually easier than you might think. Read our 7 tips on how to protect the environment and which healthy habits you can implement in your daily life.
Recycling conserves natural resources, reduces pollution and saves energy. Try sorting out your trash — most of the time glass, paper, metal, and plastic can either be reused or recycled. Recycled aluminum, for example, is a particularly valuable resource; manufacturing using recycled aluminum is 92% more efficient than when unused raw materials are used. So next time you want to get rid of aluminum cans, it is better not to throw them into the garbage.
Buy only what you will use
Think twice before buying a new car, TV or a huge pack of cookies. Most of the time we actually buy much more than we need. Excessive personal consumption of goods means higher direct and indirect costs to the environment, including the energy used and pollution emitted in the extraction of natural resources, and in the manufacturing, transportation, and disposal of goods. So let’s try avoiding impulse buying.
Avoid buying plastic bags
Plastic bags take hundreds of years to decompose and pose a particular threat to wildlife. When doing groceries, try to bring your own reusable bag instead of buying a new one at the cashier every time. Packing fruits and vegetables in a plastic bag is also not a great idea. You can easily buy a cloth bag for this purpose nowadays and it will definitely be healthier for the environment.
Donate used goods
You can always donate some of the used consumer goods instead of just throwing them away. You can send clothing to the local Red Cross organization or a local church, donate electronic devices to schools or needy families. In addition to the environmental benefits of giving these items a second life, you are helping others and may be eligible for a tax deduction.
Buy products with less packaging
Containers and packaging made up the largest portion of municipal waste at almost 78 million tons, or nearly 30%, according to the EPA. Slightly more than a third gets recycled, but huge amounts end up in landfills. Packaging also adds significantly to both the cost and carbon footprint of consumer products.
Avoid disposable products
The more we buy cheap plastic plates, paper towels and other non-durable consumer goods, the larger greenhouse gas emissions are. Store away a quantity of durable, bargain-priced dishes, use cloth napkins, cloth rags, rechargeable batteries, durable razors, and refillable coffee thermoses for take-out coffee.
Stop throwing food out
Buying too much food often means throwing some of it away. Plan your menu in advance or create grocery lists to avoid this situation. If you have bio-garbage, you can use it for composting. It saves disposal costs, reduces the methane emitted from landfills, and creates a valuable soil amendment, reducing the need for manufactured fertilizers.
As you can see, helping our nature does not require much and can be easily implemented at home. Share this tips with your friends and family and let’s take cate of the environment together!