DOOM WOOD: Raze hell and save the world

DOOM WOOD: Raze hell and save the world

Hello everyone, 


We are excited to announce that DOOM WOOD joined GamesForest.Club as an associate and its forest activities are now represented on our website.


DOOM WOOD is a great project run by Bethesda DE and organised during gamescom 2019. Instead of giving away goodies and producing more waste, the team decided to donate a certain amount of wood, 0,666 m² to be precise, per player. For its online community, they donated wood based on the amount of social media interactions with the game.

Via Treemer they also found a partner who is well versed and experienced in reforestation and sustainable forestry. Treemer is a private company that cares about the state of our climate and nature. They have been planting trees for a long time and offer companies to become active and help in the forest areas — this can be done in various ways: you can plant trees by yourself, have trees being planted for you, or just support a project financially.

By cooperating with Treemer, DOOM WOOD managed to plant over 10,000 square metres of forest in Bavaria. It also turned out to be a great social engagement as the team was nominated for the “Special prize for social commitment” by the German Developer Innovation Prize.


DOOM WOOD does not plan to stop here. The plan is to continue growing the forest further and plant another 666 m² of woods. GamesForest.Club is excited to support such a huge initiative and represent it on its interactive map.


If you want to learn more about DOOM WOOD, visit their project webpage.


To learn more about our forest projects you can support, click here.