Paladin Studios supports WWF reforestation project in Columbia
Paladin Studios supports WWF reforestation project in Columbia

Hello everyone, time for some news! We have a new member and we would like to introduce them to you. It’s Paladin Studios, a company based in The Netherlands. They create games that make you smile – be it a sweet twinkle, loud laugh, or evil grin.
Paladin has been around since 2005 and saw a lot of big changes in the game industry. They have embraced them and are now on the top of the latest trends on mobile, PC & Console. Based in The Netherlands, with over 40 people in their team, their mission is to create wholesome games that have a positive impact on people. You may know Paladin games such as Good Job!, Cut The Rope Remastered, My Tamagotchi Forever and Stormbound. The lean philosophy of kaizen is one of Paladin’s core values. It’s Japanese and means “change for better”. No surprise that a company with such a value is joining the Games Forest Club!
Paladin’s goal is to be carbon neutral, and Games Forest Club is for them an important step in that direction. The support of the WWF project “Planting Trees, Cultivating Peace”, brings Paladin one step closer to their goal. In this reforestation project WWF implement ecological restoration actions hand in hand with local communities in regions affected by armed conflict in Colombia, such as the “National Park Sierra de la Macarena”. WWF’s objective is not only to recover transformed forest, and their associated biodiversity, by planting native trees, but also to provide much-needed alternative livelihoods to local communities, such as the management of non-timber forest products such as oils, fibers and native bees. These restoration actions are key to WWF work in Colombia in supporting the Government in the quest to strengthen peacebuilding and conservation efforts by involving local communities in conserving biodiversity while improving their living conditions. That sounds great and we are verry happy that Paladin chose this great project! With their support we will definitely change the world for better.
For Paladin Studios is our initiative a beautiful way to visualize forest conservation efforts, which they hope will be a driver to get more people and game companies on board. And that’s our major goal, to reach as much companies as possible and encourage them to be part of a big change in the industry. Paladin believe – and so do we – that it’s important for the game industry to give back to the planet and make sure that we preserve the natural world, or how Paladin would say it:
»In the end, life is the ultimate game, we’re all playing it, and nature is our “game engine” – without it, it’s game over. «
We couldn’t say it better. So follow the example of Paladin and help us to preserve our “game engine” by joining the Games Forest Club!
If you want to know more about Paladin Studios, visit their homepage
For more information about the “Planting Trees, Cultivating Peace” project, follow the link below