Hello, dear Games Forest Club community! We would like to introduce you to one of our founding sponsors – GamerLegion. The company is based in the eSports mecca Berlin, owns a professional coaching platform, and offers top-class eSports in four different titles. Short: They’re living gaming in every facet.
One of their teams is stacked with some of the best Age of Empires players in the world. In the beginning, the connection to the Games Forest Club seems kind of odd. The logging of large areas of forest is standard in the game. Just because their AoE players hack trees with hundreds of villagers virtual doesn’t mean they wouldn’t worry about the forest in real life. It’s quite the opposite, as forest dieback has become a real problem.
Many highly specialized animal and plant species have adapted to such permanent forests. Most of them depend on particularly old trees; the rare middle spotted woodpecker, for example, can only colonize beech forests when the trees are 200 years old or more.
GamerLegion wants to tackle this problem, together with an absolutely awesome community. They started a charity event with all of their six Age of Empires players and invoked the community to become Guardians of the Forest. While the boys streamed on their own Twitch channel, they all collected money for the forest together.
GamerLegion shows what is possible when you have a strong community in your back. The gaming community is full of nice people with good hearts, who are willing to donate for the good cause.
Do you like to know more about GamerLegion?
Visit their website or follow them on social media: LinkedIn, Twitter, and Instagram.