GamesForest.Club at gamescom 2022
GamesForest.Club at gamescom 2022

Welcome back to the “in-person” gamescom 2022. How wonderful to see the games industry from around the globe in Cologne again. Do you want to make your conference experience this time a bit “greener” and support the severely attacked nature? Then this is for you…
We are GamesForest.Club, a non-profit organisation guiding the games industry to a climate-positive future by 2030. With data-driven and transparent reforestation and forest conservation, the GamesForest team reduces the companies’ and their players’ ecological footprint, regenerating climate and biodiversity. Innovative solutions make regeneration profitable while taking a brand on a regenerative journey.
This year we are at gamescom, Europe’s leading trade fair for digital games culture, together with media:net berlinbrandenburg and GamesCapitalBerlin, which can be found in Hall 4.1 Booth C061g – D070g. The goal is to protect and support forests close to Berlin (Uckermark), as well as forests in Indonesia and Peru.
Make gamescom a success for you and the climate. Support selected forest projects to reduce your ecological footprint and show off with the limited GamesForest.Pins.
The GamesForest.Pin gives companies an attractive possibility to reward their employees and players by reducing their ecological footprint and supporting biodiversity, showing their impact embedded in a fun and visible Symbol.
We, ar GamesForest.Club, curated regenerative packages specifically for this year’s gamescom visitors to directly support three selected forest projects. You choose which one you like, and with every donation over 25€, you will get a GamesForest.Pin out of the limited collection for gamescom 2022. Care, wear and show off your regenerative impact.
Do you believe that carbon sequestration is the most important thing to fight climate change?
Or does your heart beat for the amazon rainforest and its biodiversity? Or would you rather protect a forest nearby in Germany? Choose, Care and Shine.

By supporting this project in Peru and wearing the Rainforest Pin, you save the rainforest’s unique ecosystems and ensure the integrity of the conservation areas protecting them from mining, logging, agriculture, and hunting.
🌳You protect 17,5 m2 of rainforest
🌳1050 kg CO2 are stored by the forest (this amount of carbon equals e.g. a one-way flight from New York to Cologne).
🌳Each year another 17,5 kg will be added (this equals approximately the carbon footprint of 2 days of a two person household in Europe)
🌳You protect the habitat of Sloths, Cockatoos and Monkeys among others.

Womens Forest
Let’s make carbon farming more attractive and make forests thrive.
With this project in West Sumatra in Indonesia, you:
🌳Support the carbon farming activities from an indigenous community in one of the few left matriarchies;
🌳Protect the thriving food forest, which feeds over 100 farmers and their families;
🌳Store 1t of CO2 (which equals roughly a one-way flight from New York to Cologne).

You love Berlin, its parties, and lifestyle as much as we do? By wearing the Berlin Pin with pride, you protect and improve resilience to the climate crisis of the forests in Uckermark in Brandenburg, very close to Berlin.
Why are the mushrooms in colors of the pride flag, you ask? Because that’s Berlin (Dit is Berlin, wa). Plus: The tinder mushroom you see on this pin has a healing effect and has been used for its calming, relaxing effects on digestion. By donating to this project, you actively protect:
🌳4 m2 of the beautiful forest in the Uckermark in Brandenburg.
🌳Habitat of Otter, Beaver, Black and White Storks as well as various insects and fungi as the tinder.
All pins are made from 100% recycled plastics that have reached the end of their life-cycle and were destined for landfill or incineration. The minimum donation, awarded with a pin, starts at 25€.
You can pick up your pins at the booth at hall 4.1 booth C061g – D070g.
Note: it is a Prototype
Please note that these pins are prototypes. In case your pin breaks, we would love to recycle and replace it for you with an upgraded version, which we are already working on. We are experimenting with new ways of upgrading and producing these from biodegradable material or ocean plastic. As soon as we have a new version we are happy to hand it out to you at upcoming games industry events to avoid shipping emissions. Stay tuned and help us with further development and regeneration.
For any additional information or inquires contact us: